Working with partners across regional NSW, ATYP has received funding from the Our Region, Our Voice – Regional Youth Investment Program to support local artists and companies in establishing or increasing programs that use drama to improve the well-being of young people. We are looking to connect with individuals or organisations in 6 different NSW regional communities across 2023/2024.
This comprehensive professional development and mentoring initiative connects regional artists that have experience and skills in facilitating drama with young people so they may share ideas, experiences, resources and inspiration.
Through the program participants will:
- Participate in professional development workshops and forums tailored to their interests and skills;
- Be supported to establish accessible drama programs in regions that do not currently have programs, or extend and strengthen programs currently being delivered; and
- Form a NSW network of emerging and established Teaching Artists for sharing resources, support, opportunities and expertise.
During the pilot phase, ATYP will work with participants to administer the regional workshops, underwrite participation fees and offer full scholarships to 10% of participants. Workshop participants will also be eligible to apply their NSW Government $100 Creative Kids voucher.
The program offers free travel and accommodation for regional artists to connect in person for professional development masterclasses at ATYP and intrastate.
ATYP will ensure that regional Teaching Artists have been provided with all relevant templates for course delivery, operations, marketing and human resources, in addition to public liability insurance and workers’ compensation while participating in the program (2023 – 2024). ATYP will be available for ongoing advice and support beyond the grant period.
The program is structured as a partnership between ATYP and your community. The goals and processes best suited to your community and the needs of artists in your region form the basis of each participation agreement. The aim is to build a network of independent youth theatre companies across the State for the benefit of young people in NSW.
Applications for this program have now closed.
- Individuals, groups of individuals; incorporated and unincorporated entities are eligible to apply
- For-profit commercial organisations and State Government agencies are ineligible to apply.
- Applicants must live and work outside Greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong.
If you have any questions about the program or application process, please contact Hayden Tonazzi, Artistic Associate at [email protected]
GENERATOR: Regional Connections Program is made possible by the Our Region, Our Voice – Regional Youth Investment Program established by the NSW Government.