
Grief Lightning Review

21.04.22 As almost any Arts, English or Film major will tell you, the chances of using Milton to debunk a Grease Lightning theory beyond the classroom are slim to none. To which, many typically respond with something like ‘first, that’s a very specific thing to say, and second, well, obviously’.…

The Deb Review

22.04.2022 The Deb cast at the Australian Theatre For Young People, 2022. Photo: Tracey Schramm © How lucky I was to experience the opening night of The Deb and to share that with such a warm and star-studded audience.  A new ATYP production in its spectacular new home. Sitting in the front row almost eye to eye with the…

The Chapel, the Fire, and the Dead Cat Review

07.04.2022 The Chapel, the Fire, and the Dead Cat at NHSPA. Photo: Clare Hawley © What happens when eleven teenagers creep onto a church ground at night? The Chapel, the Fire and the Dead Cat (winner of the 2019 Senior ATYP Foundation Commission). Madelaine Nunn’s wonderful and ghostly play explores…

The Lies We Were Told

01.05.2022 The Lies We Were Told 2022. Photo: Clare Hawley © There was exciting energy in the Shopfront Arts foyer on a Friday evening for Shopfront Arts’ smash hit ‘The Lies We Were Told.’ As you check in, you are asked to write down your own lie, either one you…

PASH Review

30.03.22 Olivia McLeod in PASH, 2022. Photo: Evangeline Clough Good © PASH is the brainchild of its lead actress Olivia McLeod in this one-woman debut at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Housed in Motley Bauhaus, McLeod’s show plays with both the intimacy of the small performance space and the cinematic…

Ribbons, Raves, and Reviews 😎

It was with enormous pleasure that, on Thursday, 21st April, I took part in the official opening of ATYP’s new home, together with my old friend and colleague Wendy Blacklock. Had anyone told me, back in 1964, that our then brand new enterprise – providing high-quality professional theatre for young…