
Overcoming adversity at ATYP

As we brace for the most extraordinary April in a lifetime, it’s becoming clear the mantra for this month is: Are you okay? It’s hard to comprehend the speed with which our world has changed. At times like this my father used to look me in the eye, pause… and…

CUSP season cancelled immediately

ATYP IS very sad to announce that our production of CUSP currently showing at the SBW Stables Theatre will close immediately.   Even with reduced capacity at the Stables Theatre, it’s hard for an audience to maintain the recommended 1.5 metre distance from one another. It’s important we play our…

Plays, plays and more plays! 📝

I love my job. As Resident Dramaturg at ATYP, I get to spend most of my time working with playwrights, who happen to be among my favourite kind of people – interesting, creative, thoughtful, generous and fun too.  And there’s plenty for playwrights to be getting stuck into at ATYP…

You’ll ❤ what’s on at ATYP in February! 🎭

It’s February. 2020 is officially up and running! I can’t remember any years that have started with the sadness and sense of foreboding that we’ve experienced in the past month. Our hearts and thoughts are with all those affected by the fires, the drought and now the floods around Australia.…

Australian bushfire support

Starting in September and continuing across the Christmas and New Year period, Australia has faced extreme weather conditions resulting in many devastating bushfires across the nation. This has taken a huge toll on our beautiful country and at ATYP, we want to do our part in helping and assisting those…

New decade, more theatre! 🎭

Welcome to the future! The introduction to this January 2020 e-news feels like it should be coming from space. It isn’t. It’s coming from a corner desk in a 1941 office building on William Street in Sydney. In my imagination though, at this moment, I’m totally in space. Though we’re…