
Chalkface Review

ATYP’s reviewing program was created to give young people a platform to voice their opinions and experiences while developing skills in critical reflection. The views expressed are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of ATYP or its staff. 21.09.22 Anna (Stephanie Somerville) is a 22-year-old freshly…

The Monologue Collective Review

19.10.22 Created by Laneikka Denne, and supported by KXT and PYT Fairfield, The Monologue Collective is a selection of monologues written and performed by young people. The collective started after Laneikka noticed that many high school students struggled to find monologues for their HSC that accurately reflect the experience of…

The Impact of Young Voices on Generational Change

The Impact of Young Voices on Generational Change by Jack Walton Our society faces a sea of social issues constantly bombarding our everyday lives. These are complex issues that don’t have easy solutions. If we want our society to flourish for generations to come, space needs to be made to…

Announcing 2023 at ATYP

Welcome to November. It’s the month we start to see the end in sight for the slightly ridiculous year that 2022 has been and look forward to the new opportunities that 2023 will bring.  In 2023 ATYP is celebrating a birthday. Australia’s oldest theatre company will be 60 years young! …

Past the Shallows – In-Conversation 26 October 8:00PM

On Wednesday, October 26, the 6:30 pm performance of Past the Shallows will be followed by an 8 pm In-Conversation: A Wave of Change, with inaugural NSW Advocate for Children and Young People and ATYP Board member, Andrew Johnson, speaking with Moo Baulch AOM, Chair of Our Watch, Kate Munro,…

The Other End of the Afternoon Review

16.09.22 The Other End of the Afternoon centres around the lives of four teenagers as they grapple with the claustrophobia of living in a world so small. Brendan McBride, Sam Wallace, and Sam Martin in The Other End of the Afternoon, 2022. Photo by Troy Kent © The show begins…