March Madness – in the best way! 🤪

Hello ATYP-eople!
Lucy here, one day away from celebrating my first month as Marketing and Communications Manager! By way of introduction, here are some things I’m loving right now:
- Dua Lipa. No further explanations required.
- Allens have just released a sour edition of their beloved red frogs and reader, I RAN to the shops.
- My new job at ATYP! I feel so lucky to join this team of lovely people who are so passionate about the transformative impact theatre has on the lives of young people.
My brain has been bubbling over with all the VERY exciting things happening this year, starting with our very first show back in theatres since COVID hit! I’ve Been Meaning to Ask You puts young people centre stage to ask adults life’s big, little, and occasionally curly questions. No matter your age, I highly recommend you get along to Riverside Theatres in Parramatta to experience this joyful, refreshingly candid, and at times profound conversation between generations.
I popped in (virtually of course) to our first ATYPicals meeting of the year and WOW it was incredible to see so many faces on that Zoom call! The 2021 ATYPicals are going to get so much out of this year, and Erica are I are super keen to hear their brilliant ideas around the way we communicate ATYP’s vision to the world.
Calling all writers! You should be entering the 2021 Martin Lysicrates Prize. Send us the first 10-15 minutes of a brand-new play for young people aged 11-14 by March 22nd and you could be the playwright who receives a $12,000 commission to complete the work! You can find out more details here.
The end of Term 1 isn’t too far away now, which means it’s time to start booking in your holiday drama workshops! From comedy to musical theatre to screen acting to making a short film, there really is something for everyone.
So, what are YOU loving at the moment? What are you excited about? What do you want to see more of from us? Reach out on socials, shoot us an email, send us a carrier pigeon (if you have one handy). We’re listening.