I’m sure you’ve got the memo. The mayan calendar has scheduled a hostile takeover of the world by Death and his 3 horse-obsessed brothers in December 2012.
ATYP ushers in the end-of-times with The Dwarf Revue. The Dwarf Revue? Yes it’s like The Wharf Revue … only smaller, and slightly more underground.
Cast & Creative Team
Deng Deng, Rhiannon Bateman, Kate Buxton, Kellie Cogin, Matthew Friedman, Ashlee Harpur, Naomi Hastings, Tim Johns, Thom Jordan, Zai Nath, Sydney Nicholas, Benjamin Saffir, Cole Scott-Curwood, Emily Tresidder, Nadia Zwecker
Neal Downward
Set/Costume Design
Michael Twomey
Production Manager
Liam Kennedy
Stage Manage
Michael Twomey