New look, who dis? 👀

After a year away from the company spending time with my small humans, it’s been really lovely to see how much has changed, and how much stays the same. Young people continue to express themselves in artistic ways, but the content and delivery is ever-shifting. Of course, over the past 18 months this has shifted online, with young people driving creative content and helping keep us sane over months stuck at home.
ATYP is about to come out of lockdown, visit the hairdresser, get our nails done and show you a brand new look. We want to say a HUGE thank you to The General Store who designed our new logo and helped us create our brand guidelines – scroll on and continue watching this space for the big reveal!
Our Weekly Workshops for Term 4 are open for registrations. We’ve weighed up the pros and cons and have decided to keep these online, as our workshop participants busily work towards their end-of-term performances. But our Workshops team are dreaming up some one-off chances for us to see you IRL because we miss you, and have so much exciting news to share.
One thing which has changed for the better: our online offerings mean we get to work with young artists from all over the country. This take-up has been particularly noticeable in our classes for 18-26-year-olds. If you want to sign up for our Industry Studio or a Playwriting Masterclass, I suggest you move quickly because those tickets are selling like hotcakes!
Of course, our huge news from the past month is the astonishing $1 million donation from ATYP Alumna, Rebel Wilson, as we move to our new home at Pier 2/3. She threw down the gauntlet for the ATYP Community to match her donation – and you’ve been taking up the challenge. I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated so far. If you want a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a seat in the Rebel Theatre, we have a handful left to sell. I actually got to visit the theatre the other day and am happy to confirm – there’s not a bad seat in the house. Sightlines are excellent.
As we begin to emerge from this lockdown, the vibe around Sydney seems remarkably hopeful. People are cautious, sure, but the joy in the air as friends and family see each other again, even HUG each other – it’s totally infectious. I personally can’t wait to walk into a theatre, grab a drink, and hear the chatter and buzz of anticipation as we wait for the show to start.
See you in the theatre. Soon, I hope.