ATYP Theatre Flat Pack – Jamison High School

We are so thrilled about our inaugural Theatre Flat-Pack performance of Impending Everyone at Jamison High School! ATYP Director, Sophie Kelly, has been hard at work with the students on this exciting production.
We sat down with them to get their thoughts on being a part of Theatre Flat-Pack.
Do you have a favourite subject at school?
Matisse: Drama and Hospitality
Danielle: Drama
Isaac: Yes, Drama!
Emily: Drama
Laine: Drama
Emma: Drama or English
What’s the best part of studying drama?
Matisse: I love performing, being different people, and exploring different lives and characters.
Danielle: The best part is performing!
Isaac: The sense of community and people getting together to make a singular thing work. Seeing it all come together is fun.
Emily: Being able to make others happy by playing a character they might relate to in a way.
Laine: My favourite part of studying Drama would be the ability to live through new characters’ perspectives.
Emma: Building bonds and making connections with peers.
What’s your favourite TV show or movie?
Matisse: Anything Marvel
Danielle: TV show – Friends, Movie – The Notebook
Isaac: The Godfather or Reservoir Dogs – I can’t choose!
Emily: TV show – Wandavision, Movie – A Simple Favor
Laine: The Divergent series
Emma: The Good Doctor
If you were going to write a play about your life, what actor would you want to play you?
Matisse: Millie Bobby Brown
Danielle: Jennifer Aniston
Isaac: Steve Buscemi – I just like him.
Emily: Millie Bobby Brown
Laine: Timothee Chalamet
Emma: Jennifer Lawrence
What part of putting on a play interests you the most?
Matisse: Playing a character, creating a new life, and working with new people
Danielle: Seeing how the audience reacts!
Isaac: Acting.
Emily: Playing a character that others can relate to
Laine: The journey of learning the character and acting as a whole new person!
Emma: Watching it go from a script on-page to a real-life experience.
What do you think the hardest part is of putting on a play?
Matisse: Learning my lines and playing a character outside of my comfort zone.
Danielle: Learning lines.
Isaac: Leaning the lines.
Emily: Learning my lines.
Laine: Definitely remember lines.
Emma: Remembering my lines.
If you could be a writer, an actor, a director or a designer, what would you choose?
Matisse: 100% an actor.
Danielle: Actor.
Isaac: An actor or director.
Emily: An actor.
Laine: Actor.
Emma: I would like to be a writer.
What are you most looking forward to about Theatre Flat-Pack?
Matisse: Engaging with the audience and showing people my work.
Danielle: Working on a play with ATYP! It’s a really great opportunity.
Isaac: Exploring the process of creating a piece of theatre from beginning to end.
Emily: Showing an audience how hard we have worked throughout the year and showing others how passionate I am about performing
Laine: More opportunities to grow as a performer.
Emma: Learning and having new experiences.
Impending Everyone will be open at Jamison High School on Tuesday 15 June, 6:30pm and will perform a second show on Wednesday 16 June, 6:30pm. For tickets and further information about the production please contact Jamison High School – (02) 4731 6150
About Impending Everyone
Michael Andrew Collins’ Impending Everyone was the inaugural winner of the ATYP Foundation Commission (14 – 17-Year-Olds) in 2016.
“This cannot be stopped; your history is impending. Everyone will know tomorrow, by the end of lunch, who you really are…”
Someone at Elia’s high school has gained access to all the students’ browser histories, messages and metadata. They plan to release them. What do they want? Nothing more than everybody at the high school finding out who they, and everyone around them, really is. But the students can’t let this happen. They have secrets that can’t come out, and less than one day to stop their impending release.
Set within a New South Wales high school, Impending Everyone explores what happens when we have to own up to the things we have said, when anonymity is stripped away and our desires are laid bare.