Rainbow’s Ending


Two hungry giants are determined to devour every living thing in the world. With their insatiable appetites they start with the farms and the fish.

Then the plants and animals, and before too long, the people. Soon all that’s left are two towns, huddled behind high walls, hidden in the mountains. One small hero leads an expedition to end this terror, and she will… one way or another!

Cast & Creative Team

Nick Burton, Kira Drysdale, Ariel Fowkes, Kiera Horner, Imogen Howe, Leo King Hii, Phoenix Levy Bell, Victoria Little, Annie Martin, Sam Martin, Alistair Moore, Sophie Rose, Claire Stendell, Aaroon Suebhait

Set/Costume Design
Adrienn Lord

Lighting Design
Chris Page

Scott Saunders

Production Manager
Liam Kennedy

Stage Manage
Sorie Bangura

Past Productions
