Happy New Year From ATYP!
Happy New Year.
Right! The sun’s out, the fat man’s flown north, there’s only a few weeks of school holidays left and a lot to get through. Stay focused! This is the month you’ve gotta get serious about telling stories, watching stories, singing stories and just being theatrical. It’s the balanced life-style of a Sydney summer – beach, cricket, Australian open, hottest 100, theatre, circus, the Sydney Festival and ATYP!
Rather that slowly roll into the year like a teenager on a Sunday morning, our team has decided to take on 2017 like a 1980’s football team. We’re slapping January in the face and yelling ‘Come On’! … Then sportively checking its okay.
Rob and Bonnie are negotiating the few hundred young folk and the team of professional artists that are coming to share their holidays with us for the Summer workshops. Rowan and I are getting ready to hang out with some talented teens from all over NSW and amazing artists as part of the Sydney Festival residency week. Amy is packing her bags and flying to Los Angeles with our scholarship stars Yve Blake and Belinda Locke for a presentation at G’day USA and some work with Australian Theatre Company. Lauren is supporting Katrina Douglas and the team from Intersection as they hit the rehearsal room. While Kar and the marketing team try to figure out why on earth they didn’t take a job in hospitality, at least its easier to keep track of what’s going on!
I hope you’ll come down and visit us.