Animal Farm


No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?

George Orwell’s classic tale of a corrupted revolution is brought to life with startling imagination by director Netta Yashchin.

This new adaptation brings an ecstatic, tribal energy to one of the greatest stories of the 20th Century. An ensemble of actors aged between 15 and 25 will turn Studio 1 into a utopian world before revelling in its demise. Using physical theatre, ensemble improvisation and excerpts straight from the novel, this production is a joyous theatrical revolution.

Cast & Creative Team

Michael Brindley, Elena Burger, Airlie Dodds, Patrick Harrison, Ziad Hindi, Stephanie King, Leo King Hii, Brendan Layton, Vanessa Londono, Julia McNamara, Paul Musumeci, Dominica Nicholls, Patrick Richards, Julia Rorke, Izzy Stevens, Charlotte Tilelli, Sebastian Wang, Grace Whitehead, Luke Willing

Netta Yashchin

Set/Costume Design
Dylan James Tonkin

Lighting Design

Sound Design
Danielle O’Keefe

Past Productions
